Eventually, I desire a relationship with someone who is seeking a committed, LONG TERM relationship. Someone who believes in traditional values and monogamy. So if "this" eventually grows into a com

Prettyflora: looking for relationship marriage...
求める: 男性 年齢 30 〜 90
状態: 35 シングル まっすぐ 女性
への関心: 結婚
人種: 白/白人
生活: 自分でライブ
高さ: 5'7 インチ
体: 平均
髪/目: ブラック, ブラック
煙: とんでもない
ドリンク: 決して触らないでください
運動 時々
政治: フェンスで
教育: 学士号
宗教: キリスト教の
所得: $15,000未満
職業: Fashionista
子孫: なし
人: クレイジーセクシークール
国: United States

Eventually, I desire a relationship with someone who is seeking a committed, LONG TERM relationship. Someone who believes in traditional values and monogamy. So if "this" eventually grows into a committed, long term relationship, then so be it! Even the better and I am very open to that possibility! Family is very important to me and again, EVENTUALLY, I desire that you would let me work to be a part of your life and family and you will work and desire to be a part of mine. Learning and exploring things in life is amazing... Life is amazing.

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