シングル Male in Australia, 、シングル Queensland, goldcoast Male

Vuimung: happy guy looking for amazing wife...
求める: 女性 年齢 18 〜 40
状態: 55 離婚した まっすぐ 男性
への関心: 結婚
人種: 白/白人
生活: ルームメイトと一緒に住む
アイキャッチャー: バット
高さ: 5'8 インチ
体: 平均
髪/目: 禿げ, 混合色
煙: とんでもない
ドリンク: ときどき
運動 週に4回
政治: なし
教育: 学士号
宗教: 仏教
所得: $15,000未満
職業: Health
子孫: 子供たちは家にいません
人: ユーモラスな
国: Australia

Thanks for reading about me.
Single man from Australia born in Canada and living mostly in Australia GoldCoast city and partly in Vietnam. Mostly interested in Vietnamese lady, I think they are well brought up and lovely people. I am learning Vietnamese now.
Funny happy guy, I smile a lot and love to make people laugh, sometimes romantic sometimes crazy, sometimes shy, sometimes outgoing.
My favorite hobby is dancing, several styles but mostly modern jive and bachata
Other things I like are movies, cooking and massage, but I like eating too much! hahaha
My University study was in health, so health is important for me and important for me to find in my partner. I dont take drugs, no smoking, seldom drink alcohol, try to have good habits like exercise and meditation, Buddhist.

I may not be the youngest or the most handsome and I dont have lots of money, but I am great opportunity at happiness for a sincere lady.