I am a writer, dreamer, social activist, lover of nature and the arts. I know who I am and what I want out of life. I am an intellectual and free spirit, in some ways conventional, in others,

Sunlitshore: hello...
求める: 男性 年齢 40 〜 60
状態: 54 シングル 無回答 女性
への関心: 長期的な関係
人種: 白/白人
生活: 無回答
高さ: 5'4 インチ
体: 数ポンド余り
髪/目: 褐色, その他
煙: とんでもない
ドリンク: ときどき
運動 週に2回
政治: 非矛盾
教育: 学士号
宗教: 精神的だが宗教的ではない
所得: $15,001〜$25,000
職業: No Answer
子孫: なし
人: 発信
国: Canada

I am a writer, dreamer, social activist, lover of nature and the arts. I know who I am and what I want out of life. I am an intellectual and free spirit, in some ways conventional, in others, unpredictable. Downtoearth, sense of humour, strong, independent, respectful; I want to nurture and be nurtured by that special someone. I believe in commitment, devotion and mutual respect. I am neither a model, nor am I ugly just an average woman. I have medium brown hair short, hazel eyes and a "pleasant smile". I do not smoke, have a glass of white wine about 3 times a year, dont use perfume, accessive makeup or frilly things. I wear casual clothes, know how to dress up for more formal occasions, but prefer comfy clothes and sneakers.

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