HI everyone!!!.my name is grace, have a long hair and have a slim body!!people say leave things to fate, but i disagree when it comes to finding the man of my dreams, it is the most important decissio

Sapphire27: enjoy life while young coz life is so short
求める: 男性 年齢 28 〜 52
状態: 39 シングル まっすぐ 女性
への関心: 長期的な関係
人種: アジア人
生活: 両親と一緒に生きる
高さ: 5'0 インチ
体: 平均
髪/目: ブラック, 褐色
煙: とんでもない
ドリンク: 決して触らないでください
運動 時々
政治: なし
教育: 一部の大学
宗教: キリスト教の
所得: $15,001〜$25,000
職業: No Answer
子孫: なし
人: 冒険
国: Philippines

HI everyone!!!.my name is grace, have a long hair and have a slim body!!people say leave things to fate, but i disagree when it comes to finding the man of my dreams, it is the most important decission of my life and i refuse to just hope and wait for the things to magically happen just like evrything esle in life, if you want something you have to work hard and make things happen, I am here just TO to find a serious relationshipif you feel me kindly drop me a line,
