Im looking for a long term relationship that begins with honesty and integrity. I refuse to tolerate lies. How can you have a love, relationships of trust with lies? You can not. I have not had much

Mario1985: seeking my other half...
求める: 男性 年齢 18 〜 90
状態: 39 シングル まっすぐ 女性
への関心: 友情
人種: 多民族
生活: 自分でライブ
高さ: 5'0 インチ
体: 平均
髪/目: ブロンド, その他
煙: とんでもない
ドリンク: 唯一の社会的
運動 週に4回以上
政治: リベラル
教育: 一部の大学
宗教: キリスト教の
所得: $15,000未満
職業: Sales
子孫: なし
人: 面白い
国: United States

Im looking for a long term relationship that begins with honesty and integrity. I refuse to tolerate lies. How can you have a love, relationships of trust with lies? You can not. I have not had much success lately in relationships. I try to put it all on the table and be myself. I want my true soulmate. One that I feel at home with, and we all mesh. I learned to forgive and not judgmental. I want more resentment or regret. I think these two "r" words hold my personal growth.You need to try new things I have a great sense of humor and love making people laugh and feel comfortable around me. I think if I can make someone laugh or even smile that I just added to their quality of life and the world around us. If I go to a party or some type of function and see someone alone, I will go over to that person and introduce myself and start a conversation. I want someone to do the same for me. This does not usually happen though. People are afraid. I find that when I make the first move, people are so sensitive and friendly. I love it

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