i do not need to have someone with me, but there are times when you just want to share the little discoveries of the day with someone . to hear another perspective or to see the light in another per

Lufchris: seeking for you...
求める: 女性 年齢 37 〜 77
状態: 59 離婚した まっすぐ 男性
への関心: 長期的な関係
人種: 白/白人
生活: 自分でライブ
高さ: 5'10 インチ
体: アスレチックとトーン
髪/目: ブラック, ブラック
煙: とんでもない
ドリンク: ときどき
運動 週に2回
政治: なし
教育: 学士号
宗教: キリスト教の
所得: $45,001〜$65,000
職業: Construction Engr
子孫: なし
人: 発信
国: Australia

i do not need to have someone with me, but there are times when you just want to share the little discoveries of the day with someone . to hear another perspective or to see the light in another persons eye when someone touches them, It just brings depth and warmth into the day, . I would love to be in a warm and loving relationship as i believed a good relationship brings so much love and great impact into someones life .

Boating  Swimming