シングル Male in Afghanistan, 、シングル Badakhshan, silver spring Male

Johnes: madybah...
求める: 女性 年齢 18 〜 43
状態: 35 離婚した まっすぐ 男性
への関心: 付帯条件なし
人種: ブラック/アフリカ
生活: ルームメイトと一緒に住む
アイキャッチャー: 子牛
高さ: 6'0 インチ
体: アスレチックと筋肉質の
髪/目: アフロ, ブラック
煙: はい、私は喫煙します
ドリンク: 魚のように
運動 週に4回
政治: 超保守的
教育: 高校退学
宗教: イスラム教
所得: $45,001〜$65,000
職業: Yeah
子孫: 3人以上の子供
人: 心地よい
国: Afghanistan

People encounter several problems while attending college with no financial aid. First of all, college classes are expensive. Whence, students without financial aid have to work very hard in order to meet what they need for school tuition. Also they cannot be a full time student. In other words, part time student spend need more time to finish their classes. In addition, their courses are conditioned by how much they make as savings. That means any time they can drop their classes. For instance, that was the case of my friend Tosh who roped his fall classes last year because he got fired and was not able to pay. Second,