シングル Female in Philippines, 、シングル Cebu, cebu Female

Jason_17Ace: hello...
求める: 男性 年齢 18 〜 90
状態: 34 シングル ゲイ 女性
への関心: カジュアルデート
人種: 無回答
生活: 両親と一緒に生きる
アイキャッチャー: 無回答
高さ: 5'8 インチ
体: 無回答
髪/目: 無回答, 無回答
煙: とんでもない
ドリンク: ときどき
運動 無回答
政治: リベラル
教育: 大学院の学位
宗教: キリスト教の
所得: $15,001〜$25,000
職業: No Answer
子孫: なし
人: シャイ
国: Philippines

How do I say goodbye to someone I never really had? Why do my tears fall sondlessly for someone who was never really mine? Why is it I miss someone I was never really with? And why do I love someone whose love was never really mine?
all i can say about myself is nothing why? i really dont have more time to do my duties as a person all i can pursue in my life is to do a wrong things that i cannot make myself happy lots of trials and difficulties i encountered in my life but i failed to passed i think this is mylife or goal but its ok for me