Im Jackson by name i was born and brought up in a missionary orphanage home i never knew who my parents where after going to some college i enter the military after that i got married not knowing it w

Jackson147: let love lead...
求める: 女性 年齢 40 〜 65
状態: 56 離婚した まっすぐ 男性
への関心: 結婚
人種: 白/白人
生活: ルームメイトと一緒に住む
高さ: 5'7 インチ
体: アスレチックとトーン
髪/目: ブラック, 褐色
煙: とんでもない
ドリンク: ときどき
運動 週に4回
政治: リベラル
教育: 一部の大学
宗教: キリスト教の
所得: $15,001〜$25,000
職業: Fitness
子孫: 子供1名
人: 発信
国: United States

Im Jackson by name i was born and brought up in a missionary orphanage home i never knew who my parents where after going to some college i enter the military after that i got married not knowing it was not the rightful one for me i got divorced with a son for four years now i have been a hopeless single father hoping to get married again with the rightful one God will provide for me to share my joy and sorry with life has not been good to me i look forward to happiness

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