I am a man who is nice, caring, honest, nice and sincere person with a good sense of humor and understanding. Because understanding and communication is the most important thing in a relationship t

Berryalex: i am a man who is nice, caring,...
求める: 女性 年齢 29 〜 43
状態: 37 無回答 無回答 男性
への関心: 結婚
人種: 無回答
生活: ルームメイトと一緒に住む
アイキャッチャー: 無回答
高さ: 5'6 インチ
体: スキニー
髪/目: ブロンド, ブラック
煙: 無回答
ドリンク: 決して触らないでください
運動 週に2回
政治: 無回答
教育: いくつかの高校
宗教: キリスト教の
所得: $15,001〜$25,000
職業: Minner
子孫: なし
人: 無回答
国: United States

I am a man who is nice, caring, honest, nice and sincere person with a good sense of humor and understanding. Because understanding and communication is the most important thing in a relationship to make it strong and last forever. When two couples understand themselves i dont see anything that will happen to that relationship..it will be a happy one...i am looking for someone who is nice. caring. loving, honest and understanding..someone who have inner beauty because inner beauty tells the true and real character of a lady because is from the inner side of her you can tell if she is good or bad.....it is not all about the physical appearance but the inner feelings which is the true feelings...
