Im an easy going kinda guy with old school morals integrity. I’m a Gentle, kind, affectionate and has a compassionate heart and peaceful spirit. Am also honest, loyal, caring and very funloving wi

Coldheart4: i need you...
求める: 女性 年齢 45 〜 65
状態: 64 シングル まっすぐ 男性
への関心: 結婚
人種: No Answer
生活: 自分でライブ
高さ: 5'8 インチ
体: 平均
髪/目: ブラック, 褐色
煙: とんでもない
ドリンク: 唯一の社会的
運動 時々
政治: リベラル
教育: No Answer
宗教: キリスト教の
所得: $85,001〜$150,000
職業: Engineering
子孫: 子供1名
人: 面白い
国: South Africa

Im an easy going kinda guy with old school morals integrity. I’m a Gentle, kind, affectionate and has a compassionate heart and peaceful spirit. Am also honest, loyal, caring and very funloving with a heart of gold. I do not shy away from showing emotionaffection nor do I have any commitment issues.I enjoy traveling when able, and learning about other cultures. I am presently seeking friendship, but hope to find my soul mate, best friend, lover and partner for life.

Dating  Marriage