I have opened up a security business, my friends describe me as one kind fella doing things in a spur of the moment etc I am just looking for a genuine who is spontaneous, has a good sense of humo

Beas1forever: seeking a friend or loving partner...
求める: 女性 年齢 18 〜 43
状態: 57 無回答 まっすぐ 男性
への関心: 長期的な関係
人種: 無回答
生活: 無回答
高さ: 5'5 インチ
体: 無回答
髪/目: 無回答, 無回答
煙: 無回答
ドリンク: 無回答
運動 無回答
政治: 無回答
教育: 高校退学
宗教: 不可知論者
所得: $15,001〜$25,000
職業: Business Owner
子孫: 無回答
人: 発信
国: Australia

I have opened up a security business, my friends describe me as one kind fella doing things in a spur of the moment etc
I am just looking for a genuine who is spontaneous, has a good sense of humour and is family orientated. A gal who likes a good conversation..even a deep and meaningful one! Someone who brings out the best in me and I do the same for her. Sounds pretty simple but to quote lyrics from Michael Bubles song...."I just havent met you yet!

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