| Good | Hackjack | aiai are baig aviabiahihi iabsibsihibabisbisb. ... | | | | Happy | Sachinp67 | hello friendship me i am simple boy and girl women me romance friendship... | | |
| | | | Dosti | Vilin | मुझे क्या दोस्ती करनेका मन हैं... | | |
| I'm cool | Jazzzyyy | i m cool i have gf.. it's nice nd beutiful nd not the body in heart'... | | | | Jayself | Jayeshb121 | my wo no is 7 0 2 0 7 8 2 4 4... | | |
| Raheem chand kha | Raheem123 | hi bhahaiaiahsfgajkakqkk hhakajtaav... | | | | Reail | atuldhivare | i like new friend i like driving i like eating ... | | |